Welcome to Thai Brides Online!

I’ve dated loads of Asian women, and I don’t know why more men don’t date Asian women. I’ve been dating Asian women for three years now. I’ve not yet met the woman of my dreams, but I’ve had some incredible experiences, and have met some exceptional women.

If you want to find a Thai bride of your own, then this site addresses the key issues you’ll encounter. I’ve braindumped everything I know about Thai dating, which is based on my time spent on dating sites as well as living in Thailand for several months.

Thai Dating – The Key Issues

ThaiBride.Net contains answers to the key questions you need to unlock in your search for a Thai bride, including:

Once you’ve found a bride, what about marriage and fiancĂ© visas?

Finally, there are a links to a few other online resources that will help you gain a feel for what it’s like to look for, then marry a Thai bride. If you take home no other message from this website, it’s that:

Finding a Thai bride is difficult and expensive. Is it worth it? Absolutely!

If you have any questions or want to get in touch then leave comments at the bottom of any page on this website (anonymously if you want). Or post your questions on our new Thai Bride Answers section.

If you want to chat to Thai women for free, then sign up to Asian Love Connections.

Good luck with your search for a beautiful Thai bride of your own!

2 Comments on “Welcome to Thai Brides Online!”

  1. Has anyone had any experience (good or bad) of Thai Professional please. I’m thinking of using them for the first time and would like to benefit from the experience of others. Also if you have had a good experience with another professionally run site that manages the whole experience then that would be good as well

    1. Hi Stephen,

      I know this is an old question but I believe Thai Professional (and others like it) closed down many years ago. AFA/LoveMe still run romance tours. They do now cover Thailand (previously they only covered China and the Philippines).

      The main issue is that internet dating sites and apps pretty much killed off the market for introduction agencies. AFA/LoveMe are legit and they’ve been around awhile. The main issue with this company is that you’re not entirely sure if the women you’ll meet at their events are legit or just professional daters or women with a murky past. Of course there’s no guarantee the women you’ll meet any other way are necessarily better… this is especially so when it comes to dating in Thailand.

      If anyone does know of any introduction agencies in Thailand that are still going then drop links down below. I rather suspect that Covid has killed off any agencies that were remaining. I mean at the time of writing in 2021 there’s so little happening in Thailand right now that Stickman (of Stickman Bangkok) has given up writing his weekly column.

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