Vietnamese brides… let’s consider if they’re alternatives to Thai brides.
I’ve spent a lot of time on Asian dating sites like and DateInAsia. I’ve got to know the various differences between the nationalities of Asian women you can meet on these sites.
One thing I’ve noticed is that the average Vietnamese women on these dating sites are for the most parts much more beautiful than the average Thai or Filipina.
Why is that so?
Are Vietnamese women the most beautiful in Asia, or is there something else going on?
Vietnamese Women ARE Beautiful!
I’ve spent a fair bit of time in the Chinese coastal Provinces that border Vietnam. I’ve seen it with my own eyes – the women from this part of the world are often exotically beautiful.
But are Vietnamese women more beautiful than any other Asian country’s women?
Judging a country’s women on the women you see on international dating sites can be a bit deceiving.
Vietnam is less well developed than other countries in Asia. Consequently only the wealthier ladies can afford to buy a computer, or have the English knowledge to be able to look for a husband online.
This is to some extent why the Vietnamese women on dating sites tend to be attractive and well educated.
I saw this myself back in the mid-90’s. Oh, the women on the internet back then were godlike!
Anyway, back to Vietnamese women. Are they worth dating? Are they also a good alternative to Thai brides?
Here’s a cautionary tale from a guy who posted a comment on another site I run…
Contacted a few [Vietnamese ladies] on Vietnamcupid. Site is well done. Got one in Da Nang who immediately sent a bank swift number. Another in Dalat who asked for $1300 to fix a wall…
So it didn’t take this guy long to encounter the usual Asian women scammers on a dating site (in this instance Vietnam Cupid).
He also encountered the other usual problems with Asian women – from old profile photos to a woman who is dating half the town…
Photos she sends are old, glamshots (at 40, she says, now 51)… Found five different screen names [user accounts for dating sites] when fixing her laptop…
As this guy says:
I’d watch out. These are international folks, in a land where hookups are cheap…
Make sure you really start to understand a country like Vietnam before you think about marrying a Vietnamese woman. And that goes for any other Asian country whose women you like the look of.
Hopefully that cautionary tale hasn’t put you off.

I’ve only ever dated one Vietnamese girl and I met her in Bangkok. She was really sweet but maybe the age difference was too great. Anyway, I only went on a single date with her. A few days later I had to pack up all my worldly goods and go to Malaysia for a week to get my Thai visa. I never managed to get in touch with her again.
I do remember her legs were super hot though. She had godlike pins.
Vietnamese women definitely aren’t so common online as are Thai, Chinese or Filipino women. But if you want a Vietnamese bride then online dating is still an option.
If you want to chat to Vietnamese women online, then you’ll find a few on and DateInAsia.
If you want to live in Vietnam then that’s becoming a more attractive option. I’ve seen quite a few English teaching jobs advertised for there now. Salaries aren’t nearly as high as in neighbouring China, but the country is definitely on the up. They’re also becoming more relaxed about offering long stay visas. Finally there are a lot more direct flights these days between Vietnam and Western countries. For example Vietnam Airlines flies direct from Hanoi and Saigon to London.
If you’re only interested in Vietnamese women, then Vietnam Cupid is the best Vietnamese dating site around.
Are Vietnamese women good alternatives to Thai brides? Could you ever trust a Vietnamese woman? Leave your comments below.