So you’re visiting Thailand or maybe you’re even living there. Are Thai women the only choice?
Definitely not!
I lived in Thailand for 6 months, and I dated quite a few women who weren’t Thai nationals. So here’s a bit of information if you’re a bit burnt out of Thai women.
While living in Bangkok, I managed to date women from Vietnam, Cambodia, China, the Philippines and Myanmar (or Burma if you’re of a certain age).
I made contact with them using a combination of Thai Cupid and WeChat.
So how did I get on with them?

The Vietnamese girl was very attractive, with milky white legs to die for. She was also smart, a lot of fun and I really enjoyed our date. Sadly, she was always quite busy then I had to go to Malaysia and get my visa, so I never did schedule a second date. One thing I found with the non-Thai women is that they’re usually in Thailand for work purposes, and as hard working career women you’ll struggle to fit into their busy lives.
Next up I met a couple of Chinese women from hitting them up on WeChat’s look around function. I met some very smart women, but again they were so busy with their professional lives that nothing much came of those meetings. One was studying for an MBA at a Thai University which was nice but if you’re just looking for a more housewife type of girl then that’s not such a great choice.
I also met a couple of Filipinas. I’m not entirely sure now how I met them. Come to think of it I’m not entirely sure what they were doing in Bangkok. Maybe they were part time hookers, maybe even drug mules. They never really let me into their world, so I never found out. They didn’t hit on me, so I guess they weren’t hookers.
Anyway, I did find that the Filipinas were refreshingly down to earth and were exactly the sort of girls that guys like us should be marrying. They were happy to eat in the cheap food hall rather than in a more expensive restaurant. I definitely think they were better wife material than any of the Thai women I dated.
Ultimately nothing really came of those meetings, but I’d highly recommend you chat to a few Filipinas online. Oh, and they speak great English as well!
After the Philippines I checked out Cambodia. Ms Cambodia was a really lovely, down to earth girl. She worked in a central Bangkok hotel and sent money home to support her family. Her English was really good, and she was able to tell me a lot about the heartbreak that had inflicted terrible damage on her family during the Pol Pot era. She left me with a good lasting impression of Cambodian people, and I hope I can visit their country some day. Just be aware that if you date Cambodian women (or Vietnamese women for that matter) then there could be some major upheavals in their distant past.
Finally we come to Myanmar. Ah, Ms. Myanmar. She was special, extraordinary, and definitely unique. She wowed me with her unfamiliar spoken language, her weird circular writing and her killer dress sense. She wowed everyone else who met her as well. Then it ended as quickly as it started. I’d definitely recommend checking out Myanmar and the Burmese ladies of Thailand, although I suspect Ms. Myanmar is totally unique.

I’ll also add that with Thailand being such a prime tourist destination there are lots of Western women there as well. So if you’re not exclusively into Asian women, then you’ll find lots of Australian, European and maybe even a few American women there as well. They tend to be younger 20-somethings, and are more frequently found in the coastal beach resorts like Phuket, Koh Samui and anywhere else that looks vaguely like the beach out of the film The Beach.
While we’re talking about Thailand I’ll also mention ladyboys, since they’re so popular these days. I met quite a few ladyboys while I lived in Bangkok. They’re so numerous it’s hard to avoid them really. The good news is that since ladyboys are so popular for, er, being ladyboys, they don’t need to be so furtive and pretend they’re women – enough guys are interested in them for who they are. So if you’re just into biological women, you’re less likely to have a surprise when you bring your girl back to your room.
Anyway, back on track and I’ll just mention that I met quite a few non-Thai ladyboys in Bangkok. Quite a few of them were from Laos. This is a small country bordering Thailand. I did meet some very fun Laotian ladyboys and they’re some of the most feminine looking transgenders I’ve ever seen. On the downside they do have a bit of a crazy streak. They do sometimes also have visa issues, but then so do a lot of Western dudes who like to live in Thailand.
I can’t remember seeing any ladyboys from Cambodia or Vietnam, although they might exist. Ladyboys are also numerous in Malaysia, but I don’t think so many of them come to work in Thailand, as they’re fairly in demand in Kuala Lumpur, Penang and other Malaysian cities.
Well that’s my story. If you were in Thailand, would you check out the non-Thai women? If so which country’s women would be the hottest to date?
I am an older man looking for LADYBOY, have traveled extensively to both Thailand and Philuppines.
What I am looking for is Ladyboy with disabilities, I had some here but no one wanted to be cohabiting with me.
So if can help me then you are a tough man.