Can you still get Educational (ED) VIsas in Thailand?

Thai Bride AnswersCategory: VisasCan you still get Educational (ED) VIsas in Thailand?
Xiongmao Staff asked 6 years ago

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Hi everyone,
I’m feeling really burnt out from my day job and would love to go to live in Thailand again. I spent 6 months there in 2013 on an ED Visa. The visa wasn’t too costly, and I didn’t have to turn up to my Thai language lessons either.
I have heard though that the “loophole” of cheap(ish) visas where you don’t really have to study have pretty much closed in Thailand. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
I’ve had a quick Google of language schools but sites like International House in Bangkok are pretty vague on what you need to do to get an ED visa, or even if they do them at all. It’s almost as if they’ve been moved “under the counter” so to speak.
I know that you can still go and study at a Thai university. The problem here is that there aren’t many good universities in Thailand! Especially if you want to study a subject that would have a benefit outside of Thailand.
So what are other options?

  • I am too young for a retirement visa.
  • I could go to Vietnam or the Phillies as they’re more welcoming to long stay foreigners.
  • China is a far better option to go and study something due to the large number of courses on offer. Plus living in China is a brilliant addition to your resume.
  • I could go and chill in Southern Europe, as they have good weather and as a Brit I can still live there visa-free (but for how much longer???).
  • I could use my CELTA and actually teach English. This wouldn’t be much of a rest though 🙁 .

That’s going off topic a bit and I really wish there was a more convenient way to live in Thailand for 6 months.